Sunday, June 13, 2010

History of Pactio Cards, Part 2: The Dud Cards

Okay. So remember how I told you that for the OP + ED soundtracks of Negima, only three official Pactio Cards got released? What about the rest? Well they were dud cards.

What are Dud Cards you ask? Well the thing is, during a Pactio ritual, Negi has to kiss the girl on the lips in order to get a good card. If he doesn't, he gets a dud. How does a dud work? Well how doesn't it work is more appropriate.

With a Regular Pactio Card, Negi can:
1) Charge his partner with his magic.
2) Communicate with them telepathically
3) Teleport them over to his location
4) Grant them a kickass awesome artifact.

The Dud Pactio card can only power them up with magic. And it's a weak powerup to boot!

Also, there's a stark difference in appearance!

The cards are official but compare and contrast to a regular Pactio Card:

Number - Roman Numeral
Color in Hirigana - Color in Latin
Name in Hirigana - Name in Latin
Technique names - Virtues
Things she likes - Direction
Sound Effect - Astral Sign

Unfortunately, or fortunately, these are the only Pactio Card Duds that exist. Most of the genre savvy people who know Negima well enough, will be able to guess that Negi may eventually get a Pactio Card from all of his students...or at least a GOOD CHUNK of them. But it'll be awhile before we actually get to see some more cards...

Especially considering what ends up happening in the first anime.

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