Fairy Tail...
What is there to say about it? A lot actually. I think since the very beginning it was considered a One Piece ripoff. But after seeing its title page, I just had to take a look at it. So I read the first chapter and...I liked it! I kept reading it and reading and liking it even more.
Personally it does draw from One Piece, but it draws in all the elements that made One Piece good, and makes its own stories out of it, with mages, guilds, dragons, summoning. Similar art style and a similar humor, but different enough to enjoy in its own light.
Among the things I like is the way we're given many characters to work with in the Fairy Tail guild, however, we bring our main focus on a specific team, mainly Natsu, Lucy, Erza, Gray and Happy. Other characters join in for the ride such as Gajeel, Wendy and Juvia, and there are even other people in Fairy Tail who get their moment to shine in the spotlight. There's a good number of people out there, and although they can't be given the same attention as the major characters they're still pretty developed.
Another thing I like is the arc structure. Under normal circumstances, the mages see a mission request and take the mission and a great adventure ensues. Of course something unforseen could happen to them such as their guild getting attacked by a dark guild. A lot of the arcs we see indirectly pertain to the major story, but are very good by itself; it tends to either delve into: 1) the Evil Mage Zeref or 2) the 777 Incident. Of course we also get plenty of bonus stories as well and while tons of arcs slow the plot down, it does tend to paint a larger picture of the World of Fairy Tail.
On another note this was how Naruto's Ninja clan also did things...take mission, go on an adventure and kick ass...and I think it would've been better if it had continued doing that. Naruto and his team should've taken a few smaller missions to establish what is normal in the Naruto World, develop the characters, and make things exciting when something big like the Chuunen Exam pops up. Unfortunately, Kishimoto tends to focus on the BIG plot rather than smaller arcs, thus just about everything practically REVOLVES around Sasuke, Naruto or Akatsuki (and his pacing is as SLOW AS MOLASSES, especially during battles). Fairy Tail doesn't make these same mistakes.
Fairy Tail feels like One Piece in every way except one...FANSERVICE! Hiro Mashimo is willing to do what Oda is not and that is, give us some occasional strippage, panty shots and even some bare ass! Mind you, Fairy Tail is not a fanservice story but when it happens it's good. Hell he even did a special involving a Girls Dorm which actually turned out to be a very good story to boot!
The battles are intense! In any given arc, you're guaranteed to see Natsu and Lucy doing a battle. But like One Piece, each character has their own chance to shine in the spotlight, they fight with their own set of special moves (Natsu uses fire, Gajeel uses metal, Wendy uses air) and they get stronger as time progresses, meaning you'll see new abilities and cooler moves. Thankfully, just like One Piece THERE'S NO TRAINING ARC! (Hold it! Stop the Plot! Before you go any further in Bleach we need to teach you The Final Getsuga Tenshou!!)
Eventually, though, I had to go and see the anime. It's pretty good and faithful to the series. The voices are spot on too, but nothing like I expected. Where I envisioned Luffy, I instead got Simon (Guren Lagann), where I expected Nami I got Nanael (Queen's Blade) and where I expected Chopper I got Shana (Shakugan no Shana). I'm EXTREMELY thankful that they decided to push past the 26 episode barrier that most unpopular anime fall prey to. Once it gets past 52 episodes (currently on 37), it will become OFFICIALLY cool, and ongoing. There will be no turning back!
I do have a few gripes though...First off, there's stock footage galore for most of the attacks, transformations and summonings that occur in Fairy Tail. It's something I can generally overlook, but what bothers me even more is that for some reason the anime decided to spam the series with MAGIC CIRCLES every single time a character uses magic. It's intrusive, and annoying and sure as hell doesn't belong in Fairy Tail! Fanservice...is also generally lacking. It's not as bad as something done in the Negima anime, but it is noticably toned down...I mean, who the hell takes a bath...in their own bathroom...WEARING A TOWEL?
My biggest gripe would have to be all the shit they pull with the Tower of Heaven arc. This arc has LOTS of changes in the anime as compared to the manga. It's wierd to see because changing shit left and right in an ongoing series can ruin some things later on according to the laws of cause and effect. The One Piece anime made several noticable changes in the Longring Longland arc, however, that arc was small and not nearly as significant, plus they were padding things out so that the following arc, Water 7 could be done PERFECTLY. The Tower of Heaven arc in Fairy Tail is a MAJOR TURNING POINT in the Fairy Tail story...yet several changes are instilled on it...
The story flows normally, Erza gets captured and She, Gray and Lucy still take on Trinity Raven just as they did in the manga. But what gets the brunt of the changes are the following:
1) Sieglein and Jellal are said to be twin brothers straight from the getgo. In the manga we only get to see Jellal's face during the flashback AND HE LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE A YOUNG SIEGLEIN. We the audience somehow knew that they were the same person and yet they were in two different places. What was the deal? As it turned out, Sieglein was Jellal the whole time...and since this was really no surprise I'm guessing that the anime decided to use the whole twin thing to mask something which was clearly not a surprise to us at all.
2) The Tower of Heaven. It looks like a nice normal tower in the manga...but in the anime, it's like a gnarled, black, twisted root of evil! Who the hell wouldn't notice this and sense danger from the mere sight of it? This was totally unnecessary!
3) SEVERAL changes made in the flashbacks! For one, the Cultists are all wearing masks to cover their face whereas they just show them normally in the manga.
4) Japan is apparently afraid of depicting children getting whipped. The prisoners are placed in cuffs instead that are magically linked to some floating idol which shocks them if they're disobedient. Also, at the part where Jellal should've been getting whipped, he is instead getting his energy drained by a lachryma. For shame!
5) Wierd monsters got added in to keep the slaves in line. We're given Xenomorph dogs which growl at the prisoners (seriously they look just like they're from Aliens, who the fuck WOULDN'T be scared of them?), also the "mages" that try to quell the rebellion are Zombies which shoot magic from their mouth instead of cultists that fire magic out of their staves making it look nothing like a scene from Tianamen Square.
6) Zeref's motif is skull based. But when Jellal is infused with Zeref's powers, we're instead given focus on the creepy eye motif instead. Either one is creepy depending on your tastes, though I think the Skull motif will come to play later on. Also, Zeref speaks to Jellal in a female voice. Those who are already caught up with the manga will already know why.
7) Violence of course is less graphic. We get no signs of blood, and when Erza manages to escape her clothes aren't a bit tattered! I guess that sorta stuff comes with the territory when marketting to a younger audience.
We're still not finished with the Tower of Heaven arc yet and from the 4th OP we will be getting the next arc as well. Fairy Tail isn't a journey the way One Piece is, so there's really no telling where or when the story will end. But I know that I'll enjoy it to the very last chapter and I hope you do too!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
Captain SNES: Chapter 2 - Alex and the Weakest Link
Okay, this time I'm going whole hog with these chapters. No more divided chapters unless I ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
One Piece Chapter 591
Well, as I said, the Marine Ford arc is over. The flashback that follows it is over, so now what? Obviously, Luffy has to reunite with his nakama...However as one man it'll be impossible for him to do that and continue his journey...This time it's out of Luffy's hands. This time it's up to his nakama to reach him...Chapter 591 START!
In Amazon Lily, Law's pirates notice a seaking getting killed. Then they notice a man coming onto the beach from the water. It's none other than Silvers Rayleigh who recognize the Heart Pirates and they are surprised that he killed off a sea king. They're more surprised to learn that his ship got sunk in stormy weather, forcing him to swim the rest of the way.
Elsewhere in Amazon Lily, the Kuja pirates hear that Hancock is delivering food to Luffy. They get quite jealous and wish to meet him and play with his rubbery body. All the while, Hancock, Thundersonia, Marigold and Nyon are bringing food to Luffy. Elder Nyon explains that Hancock getting hugged does not automatically make her married...
Luffy and Jinbei meet with Rayleigh in the island. Luffy's surprised to meet him since he was planning to go back to Sabaody on his own. The shock on Jinbei's face is immense. They ask about Law and Rayleigh tells Luffy that they left. Sadly though, they did not get to see any of the amazons. When Nyon arrives she also recognizes Rayleigh and he recognizes her as well. Marigold and Thundersonia also exchange greetings but Hancock goes to greet Luffy instead...except she's too enamored to ACTUALLY TALK TO HIM. Hancock invites Luffy to eat the food she brought...and begrudgingly lets Jinbei eat some as well.
Elder Nyon reads off a letter from Shakky who Rayleigh mentions is just the same as ever. He also comments on how well the girls have grown...though they find it strange that Rayleigh immediately knew where to meet Luffy especially since they were hiding him. It's about this time that Hancock finally recognizes Rayleigh and says hello to him.
Rayleigh explains that it was Kuma who told him where Luffy would be, and that he worked for the Revolutionaries...It would be hard to imagine that the man-hating Boa Hancock, would ever collaborate with a man...though Shakky could perfectly envision Hancock falling in love with Luffy...because he's just that cool. But the Marines would never move on such a random hunch like that. Rayleigh then gets to the point of meeting Luffy and asks if he wants to meet his crew again. Luffy says of course he would...but Rayleigh warns him that trying to gather his crew as he is would only cause history to repeat...but he has his own way of gathering the crew...
We now cut over to the Boin Archipelago where Usopp, having feasted on the fruits of the forest has grown VERY fat. Hercules warns Usopp not to try to escape...but Usopp takes on a giant beetle...and gets thwomped! Hercules explains that the further out Usopp tries to go...the stronger the monsters get, forcing anyone who is unfortunate to get in into the center, never to leave the island again. Just then, Hercules realizes Usopp is gone...and that a strange beast has entered the island...
At this moment, a giant sea hippo appears, and Usopp tries to make a break for it...but Hercules knows that the island is going to move again...this is around the time that we realize that Usopp is NOT on an actual island...in the maw of a GIANT CARNIVOROUS PLANT which ensares and swallows the sea hippo. Usopp manages to hang on and it's around this time Hercules asks Usopp why he's in such a hurry to leave this island. Usopp tells him that ever since he got the news that Luffy's brother had died he knew he had to go to Luffy to ease his pain...LUFFY NEEDS HIM RIGHT NOW!
Elsewhere on Torino Island, Tonytony Chopper has managed to stop an ongoing war between the giant birds and the humans. He tells the birds the humans just need the the plants that grow on the trees to live, and the humans promis they'll never eat the birds or their eggs. With that, Chopper leaves the island on the back of one of the birds. He flies so high and so fast he feels he'll meet up with Luffy in no time! He meets a news bird along the way and tries to catch up with the times...what he sees shocks Chopper to no end!
It's about time we got to see everyone else in action. They wouldn't be much if they couldn't get out of this themselves...besides, Luffy's had enough adventures for now. It's time to see what the others can do!
In Amazon Lily, Law's pirates notice a seaking getting killed. Then they notice a man coming onto the beach from the water. It's none other than Silvers Rayleigh who recognize the Heart Pirates and they are surprised that he killed off a sea king. They're more surprised to learn that his ship got sunk in stormy weather, forcing him to swim the rest of the way.
Elsewhere in Amazon Lily, the Kuja pirates hear that Hancock is delivering food to Luffy. They get quite jealous and wish to meet him and play with his rubbery body. All the while, Hancock, Thundersonia, Marigold and Nyon are bringing food to Luffy. Elder Nyon explains that Hancock getting hugged does not automatically make her married...
Luffy and Jinbei meet with Rayleigh in the island. Luffy's surprised to meet him since he was planning to go back to Sabaody on his own. The shock on Jinbei's face is immense. They ask about Law and Rayleigh tells Luffy that they left. Sadly though, they did not get to see any of the amazons. When Nyon arrives she also recognizes Rayleigh and he recognizes her as well. Marigold and Thundersonia also exchange greetings but Hancock goes to greet Luffy instead...except she's too enamored to ACTUALLY TALK TO HIM. Hancock invites Luffy to eat the food she brought...and begrudgingly lets Jinbei eat some as well.
Elder Nyon reads off a letter from Shakky who Rayleigh mentions is just the same as ever. He also comments on how well the girls have grown...though they find it strange that Rayleigh immediately knew where to meet Luffy especially since they were hiding him. It's about this time that Hancock finally recognizes Rayleigh and says hello to him.
Rayleigh explains that it was Kuma who told him where Luffy would be, and that he worked for the Revolutionaries...It would be hard to imagine that the man-hating Boa Hancock, would ever collaborate with a man...though Shakky could perfectly envision Hancock falling in love with Luffy...because he's just that cool. But the Marines would never move on such a random hunch like that. Rayleigh then gets to the point of meeting Luffy and asks if he wants to meet his crew again. Luffy says of course he would...but Rayleigh warns him that trying to gather his crew as he is would only cause history to repeat...but he has his own way of gathering the crew...
We now cut over to the Boin Archipelago where Usopp, having feasted on the fruits of the forest has grown VERY fat. Hercules warns Usopp not to try to escape...but Usopp takes on a giant beetle...and gets thwomped! Hercules explains that the further out Usopp tries to go...the stronger the monsters get, forcing anyone who is unfortunate to get in into the center, never to leave the island again. Just then, Hercules realizes Usopp is gone...and that a strange beast has entered the island...
At this moment, a giant sea hippo appears, and Usopp tries to make a break for it...but Hercules knows that the island is going to move again...this is around the time that we realize that Usopp is NOT on an actual island...in the maw of a GIANT CARNIVOROUS PLANT which ensares and swallows the sea hippo. Usopp manages to hang on and it's around this time Hercules asks Usopp why he's in such a hurry to leave this island. Usopp tells him that ever since he got the news that Luffy's brother had died he knew he had to go to Luffy to ease his pain...LUFFY NEEDS HIM RIGHT NOW!
Elsewhere on Torino Island, Tonytony Chopper has managed to stop an ongoing war between the giant birds and the humans. He tells the birds the humans just need the the plants that grow on the trees to live, and the humans promis they'll never eat the birds or their eggs. With that, Chopper leaves the island on the back of one of the birds. He flies so high and so fast he feels he'll meet up with Luffy in no time! He meets a news bird along the way and tries to catch up with the times...what he sees shocks Chopper to no end!
It's about time we got to see everyone else in action. They wouldn't be much if they couldn't get out of this themselves...besides, Luffy's had enough adventures for now. It's time to see what the others can do!
Monday, July 5, 2010
Captain SNES: Chapter 1 - The Nightmare Begins
For those who don't know I've been doing audio for a webcomic I deeply love. It's called Captain SNES: The Gamemasta, a webcomic sequel to the famous cheezy Saturday morning cartoon, Captain N: The Gamemaster.
It's quite a powerful series with loads of character, humor and an epic story to boot. However it's not very popular...I'd like to fix that.
It's also a great way to demonstrate my vocal prowess so please enjoy the first of many...
Thursday, July 1, 2010
One Piece: Chapter 590
Alright...Back in the days, I was known for posting chapter summaries of One Piece. Usually I'd get the raw and decipher what I could, but even with translations I'd do a simple summary. I've been in a bit of a slump since then but now I'm gonna try and pull myself out of it. After all, a great event has just occured in One Piece. So without further ado, Chapter 590 START!
After an epic flashback we cut over to Luffy's grandpa, Monkey "Doggy-Style" Garp in Fushia Village. The villagers worry that pirates are going wild. Garp says that with Whitebeard dead, the seas will be unstable, but they're all amateurs. Just then a villager announces that mountain bandits have taken over Makino's bar. Just then, one of them comes out. It's Dadan who gives Garp a whack with her club! She damands to know why he of all people let Ace die, when he was RIGHT THERE WITH HIM.
Garp realizes that Dadan is crying. Makino steps in and tells her that it's because Garp was right there that he's the one suffering the most. Dadan tells Makino that she's wrong...it is Luffy who is suffering the most...and Makino's memories of young Luffy + Ace make her cry as well. The mayor comes in and asks whatever happened with Luffy. Garp tells him that Luffy's escaped and that since there's no corpse, he must be alive. The villagers of Fushia are relieved and Dadan says that she'll be rooting for him no matter what, so he better not lose!
Far, Far away, out in the New World, Shanks and Marco have set up graves for the fallen. Most of them consist of swords, but Edward Newgate (Whitebeard) and Portgas D. Ace have special Tombstones with their signature weapons and outfits (Ace's hat and Whitebeard's Jacket). Marco thanks Shanks for the help. Shanks says it's nothing, after all, Whitebeard is a man who deserves respect from all sides. As Shanks leaves, he thinks of Luffy...and Roger. He sends a mental message to Luffy telling him that sometimes it's alright to run away and cry sometimes; defeat is also a factor for shaping a real man.
We then turn to Amazon Lily, where Jinbei watches Luffy crying and slamming the ground, lamenting on how weak he is. Jinbei tells him to stop hurting himself, Luffy says it's his body and he can do whatever he wants. Jinbei says if that's so then since Ace's body is his then he can die if he wants to. Luffy gets pissed and tries to throw a punch at Jinbei. It misses and Jinbei catches his arm easily. With that, Jinbei pins Luffy down.
Jinbei remembers a time when Ace was telling him about Luffy. Just then Luffy bites him. Jinbei slams Luffy into a wall and asks him where that confidence he always carried around went. He goes on telling Luffy that he's become blinded by the wall that is the world standing in front of him. He tells Luffy to forget the things he lost...and to remember that he has NOT LOST EVERYTHING YET.
After a moment...Luffy calms down. And realizes that this is true. He hasn't lost everything yet. He still has Zoro, and Nami, and Usopp, and Sanji, and Chopper, and Robin, and Franky and Brook. HE STILL HAS HIS NAKAMA!!
With that, Jinbei continues to remember what Ace said, how he was relieved that Luffy has started to grow into an independent man instead of a kid brother tagging along.
Upon his realization, Luffy says that he and his crew have a meeting spot. They have to gather together now. He must see them!
Truly a hard moment for Luffy. Thankfully it gets overcome quickly. But with the flashback that takes place before this chapter, we truly get to see the depth of the pain Luffy experienced, losing not one but TWO brothers. Luffy is quite strong, but there's still room for him to grow and many challenges for him up ahead. Luffy's gonna have to leave Amazon Lily soon and with that in mind, how will Boa Hancock take the news? Something tells me she'll join him and leave her two sisters to rule in her place. I wouldn't put it past Oda to do something like that. Well, that's my prediction, we'll find out how things turn out in a couple of weeks! Teach out!
P.S.: Due to popular demand, here's the backs of the Pactio Cards, as well as a better Natsumi Card.
After an epic flashback we cut over to Luffy's grandpa, Monkey "Doggy-Style" Garp in Fushia Village. The villagers worry that pirates are going wild. Garp says that with Whitebeard dead, the seas will be unstable, but they're all amateurs. Just then a villager announces that mountain bandits have taken over Makino's bar. Just then, one of them comes out. It's Dadan who gives Garp a whack with her club! She damands to know why he of all people let Ace die, when he was RIGHT THERE WITH HIM.
Garp realizes that Dadan is crying. Makino steps in and tells her that it's because Garp was right there that he's the one suffering the most. Dadan tells Makino that she's wrong...it is Luffy who is suffering the most...and Makino's memories of young Luffy + Ace make her cry as well. The mayor comes in and asks whatever happened with Luffy. Garp tells him that Luffy's escaped and that since there's no corpse, he must be alive. The villagers of Fushia are relieved and Dadan says that she'll be rooting for him no matter what, so he better not lose!
Far, Far away, out in the New World, Shanks and Marco have set up graves for the fallen. Most of them consist of swords, but Edward Newgate (Whitebeard) and Portgas D. Ace have special Tombstones with their signature weapons and outfits (Ace's hat and Whitebeard's Jacket). Marco thanks Shanks for the help. Shanks says it's nothing, after all, Whitebeard is a man who deserves respect from all sides. As Shanks leaves, he thinks of Luffy...and Roger. He sends a mental message to Luffy telling him that sometimes it's alright to run away and cry sometimes; defeat is also a factor for shaping a real man.
We then turn to Amazon Lily, where Jinbei watches Luffy crying and slamming the ground, lamenting on how weak he is. Jinbei tells him to stop hurting himself, Luffy says it's his body and he can do whatever he wants. Jinbei says if that's so then since Ace's body is his then he can die if he wants to. Luffy gets pissed and tries to throw a punch at Jinbei. It misses and Jinbei catches his arm easily. With that, Jinbei pins Luffy down.
Jinbei remembers a time when Ace was telling him about Luffy. Just then Luffy bites him. Jinbei slams Luffy into a wall and asks him where that confidence he always carried around went. He goes on telling Luffy that he's become blinded by the wall that is the world standing in front of him. He tells Luffy to forget the things he lost...and to remember that he has NOT LOST EVERYTHING YET.
After a moment...Luffy calms down. And realizes that this is true. He hasn't lost everything yet. He still has Zoro, and Nami, and Usopp, and Sanji, and Chopper, and Robin, and Franky and Brook. HE STILL HAS HIS NAKAMA!!
With that, Jinbei continues to remember what Ace said, how he was relieved that Luffy has started to grow into an independent man instead of a kid brother tagging along.
Upon his realization, Luffy says that he and his crew have a meeting spot. They have to gather together now. He must see them!
Truly a hard moment for Luffy. Thankfully it gets overcome quickly. But with the flashback that takes place before this chapter, we truly get to see the depth of the pain Luffy experienced, losing not one but TWO brothers. Luffy is quite strong, but there's still room for him to grow and many challenges for him up ahead. Luffy's gonna have to leave Amazon Lily soon and with that in mind, how will Boa Hancock take the news? Something tells me she'll join him and leave her two sisters to rule in her place. I wouldn't put it past Oda to do something like that. Well, that's my prediction, we'll find out how things turn out in a couple of weeks! Teach out!
P.S.: Due to popular demand, here's the backs of the Pactio Cards, as well as a better Natsumi Card.





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